I choose to play Genshin impact, it is a game with multiple levels that you have to figure out and hopefully don’t die. I learned a lot from this game: I learned not to get frustrated and quit, I learned to be patient and figure it out, I learned how to play this game and I never play these types of games. I did learn from my mistakes and trust me I made plenty, I kept dying before I figured out how to get around it. I took plenty of risks with this game, because it was a game I had never played, so with each level I had to take risks to learn what not to do. It was pretty exciting when I figured it out and started winning and earning my rewards. I believe in rewards and only if they push through, work hard and finish the goal they had set out to do. Gaming can be a good thing, it teaching them patience, collaboration, and cognitive skills, whether they are working alone or in a group, it is necessary to learn these skills to get ahead and complete the task. I will use it in my classroom as a collaborative style and sometimes solo, they will learn to think cognitively to beat the levels and even within a group, they can decide on what is the best way to go.
Malena Beierle Oct 28 at 11:59am
Great work, Malena. Genshin Impact is such an exciting game! One question that teachers always have about gamification in the classroom is: "How can I ensure that gamification aligns with the curriculum and educational goals while still being engaging and fun for students?" So there is a balance between incorporating game elements into lessons while also ensuring that the core learning objectives and content are effectively covered. It's a challenge, but I think when it is carefully planned into the curriculum, gamification can be very effective. Do you think you would use gamification in this way for your future classroom?
Jennifer Rachal Nov 6 at 11:39am
I most definitely can use gamification in my classroom, I agree with you that it needs to be in the curriculum but in a way that they can learn from it, gaming can show them how keep trying if they do fail, and it will happen, they use the cognitive part in the brain that helps them refocus and figure out how to succeed



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